Dude Drives A Truck Right Through His House Because His Wife Annoyed Him And He Couldn't Be Happier With Himself




Fucking love this guy. I get mad and break stuff from time to time. But, as soon as it actually breaks I have the “God dammit I’m such a moron” moment of clarity. I have that moment because I’m a pussy. John Paul Jones Jr doesn’t have that moment because he’s not a pussy. Two days after driving his truck through his house he’s still cool as a cucumber, beer in hand, cracking jokes. No ragrets, that’s what John Paul says. Dude doesn’t appear to have a single reason to feel bad about the entire situation. Isn’t illegal, kept him busy for a few days, gave him a nice breeze, and definitely taught his wife to not piss him off unless she wants to sleep in the great outdoors. One of those rare times that driving a truck through the living room is a win-win-win-win situation.