Dang...A Brazillian Hooker Just Paparazzied The Biebs

Justin Bieber sleeping with Prostitute in Brasil (REAL and O from Barstool Blackout Tour on Vimeo.

The fucking Biebs man.  The dude can’t catch a break.  I mean what’s the point of getting smuggled out of a whore house in a bed sheet and making sluts sign contracts before they can party with you saying they won’t take pictures if they’re just gonna paparazzi you while you’re asleep.  Fucking Brazilian whores.  Can’t trust them for shit anymore.  Seriously where has all the integrity in the prostitute game gone?  That’s what I want to know.  And where the fuck were his security guards?   Unacceptable.

PS – If this whore thinks she’s breaking up Biebs and Selena she’s nuts.   Selena’s hooked on that D like it’s crack cocaine.