
Curt Schilling Has WAY too Much Time On His Hands. He Is Still Going To War With Anybody Who Said Nasty Shit About His Daughter On Twitter







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Hey Pres,


So my friend tweeted at Curt Schilling something along the lines of “I’m gonna fuck the shit out of your daughter” and Curt being the savage he is responded. He went through his twitter to find some basic info in order to respond. Then he went through the effort to find his hockey coach’s email, contacted him and got my friend kicked off his team.


So I talked the other day about how Curt Schilling was going bananas over dudes hitting on his daughter on twitter. Well he didn’t slow down over the weekend. In fact quite the opposite. He started cyberstalking everybody who said something and then tried to expose them and get them in trouble. He also wrote a long article on his personal blog basically making it sound like he was standing up for America. Teaching kids that all actions have consequences. Okay here is the thing. The dudes tweeting really graphic shit are definitely wrong. Like bloody pussies and shit like that is flat gross and demented.  This guy deserves to get eviscerated.

sportsguurrr spogu


Curt obviously has the moral high ground here and every right to want to punch guys like these in the nose. But here is still my problem with his argument.  This is what he said in his article:

Now I’ve been using computers since 1981. I was a professional baseball player for 22 years. I played 10+ years in Philadelphia. I played 5 in Boston. I shared a locker room with well over a thousand teammates and I played and lived at school a year before doing so.That’s all to say I am absolutely aware of social media and how it works. As someone who’s said about 2.34 billion things he shouldn’t have, I get it.

No you don’t Curt. You don’t get it. Never has anybody gotten it less than you do in this regard. Social Media is the wild wild west. If you’re going to throw a tweet out there about your 17 year old daughter you are 1,000% gonna get the types of tweets you’re freaking out about. That’s the world we live in. It doesn’t make it right, but to rant and rave about how you understand how twitter and social media work and then act stunned and outraged by graphic tweets just shows how far out of the loop you are.


Newsflash people say everything on twitter. Everything. Doesn’t matter whether it’s the Marathon bombings, PK Subban scoring goals against the Bruins or this. There are always gonna be assholes in every bunch. Did the guys who went over the line deserve to get put on blast? Yes they did.  But you cant generalize on all of society based on a few idiotic tweets.  And more importantly if you really didn’t want your daughter to get “harassed” as you put it then you shouldn’t have tweeted it out in the first place.   Just like how I’m not going to tweet a picture of my wife and then get pissed when people start saying ruthless shit about her. I know it’s coming. That’s why I don’t do it.  If you don’t understand that then you don’t understand social media even if you have been using computers since 1981.


PS – What’s Fockers problem?

