
Boston Schools Are Boycotting 50 Shades Of Grey This Weekend Because It Promotes Violence Against Women

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(Source)Acclaimed speaker and author Dr. Gail Dines, chair of American Studies at Wheelock College in Boston, is at the forefront of the movement to stop eroticized violence against women by urging a boycott of the film Fifty Shades of Grey. Stop Porn Culture, Dines’s USA-based organization dedicated to challenging the porn industry and the harmful culture it perpetuates, is joining with London Abused Women Centre of London, Ontario, to urge films audiences to skip the film. Together they have formed the #50dollarsnot50shades campaign advocating to “Take the $50 you would have spent on the movie, the popcorn, and the sitter, and give it to a local shelter.”




I’m so confused by this. How does this promote violence against women? Women are the ones who want to see this. It was written by a woman. It’s called “mommy porn” because it was made popular by housewives. Men play absolutely no part in this other than getting dragged to the theater and have to sit there with uncomfortable boners on Valentine’s Day. Why is this getting put on our heads? What the fuck does it have to do with domestic violence? It’s freaky sex. I thought feminists were supposed to be all about feminine freedom and ant-slut shaming and women being able to do what they want with their bodies? Well some sluts like to get tied up and spanked with ball gags in their mouth and ben wa balls in their pussy. And some guys like to be able to take those freaks to the PG porn without having to fight through a protest. Just let us live.