
Bama Milf Apologizes To Nick Saban For Embarassing the Program...But Says She'd Do It Again


YellowhammernewsMichelle Pritchett said she regrets that things escalated the way they did and said she wanted to apologize to “Bama nation.” Her biggest concern seemed to be what Coach Saban’s reaction would be when reporters question him about it. “I’m embarrassed. I love The Tide and I apologize to all the players and to Coach Saban and to the entire fan base. I’m sorry. Coach Saban’s going to say ‘those crazy fans don’t know how to act.’ And I wasn’t intoxicated either. I want people to know that. I’d had a couple of drinks, but I was not intoxicated.” But Pritchett says she’d do it all again if she had to. “I hate to say it, but I’d do it again if I had to. I’m not going to let anyone go after my son.”


I love this lady.  I really do.   Apologizing to Nick Saban for her behavior like she plays for Alabama and just did the throat slash gesture in the end zone or something.   Too funny.   And the best part is you know that Nick Saban totally thinks he’s owed an apology too.  Probably gonna make her do a bunch of up downs in her living room.   Like when you live in Alabama everything you do is under Nick Saban’s microscope.