
Are KFC and Big Cat The Only Two Anti Nose Ring People in the Country?


So this debate came up on the rundown yesterday. We were talking about how above ground pools are for white trash people and suddenly this became an indictment on chicks with nose rings. KFC and Big Cat saying that chicks with nose rings were somehow white trash. That they were somehow above ground type people. LMAO. I guess it’s not surprising that Kevin Couch Clancy would say this since he was the guy who once said he didn’t like 69’ing chicks back in the day. Come on bro. Act like you’re alive for me one day buddy.

Anyway I can’t state this strongly enough. I am 1000% pro nose ring on chicks. Just a little something something to let you know she ain’t vanilla ice cream. That there is a little mystery going on. It’s just her freak flag raised at half mast. A nice little stud or little hoop on an otherwise conservative looking girl does wonders for me. I’m not saying purple hair or a nose ring that takes up her entire face. I’m talking everything normal and just a dash of freak. Huge turn on. As is a single nipple piercing. Again just something for the boys that lets you know it may get weird.