
The Tigers Got Ready For Today's Game By Playing Rock, Paper, Scissors With The Loser Getting Smoked With A Water Jug

It’s a long season, man. You think there’s a lot of downtime during the actual GAMES? This is the shit that goes on when the guys have to get to the ballpark several hours before game time. Mix in the fact that this is the Fenway Park visitor’s clubhouse, which smaller than most broom closets, and you can imagine that some pretty weird shit goes down. Just the boys being boys. Rock, paper, scissors is a high-suspense game that can certainly pass some time, but you know what makes that game even more exciting? When the loser gets smashed in the dome with a big ass water jug. That’s how you pass time while you wait to sweep the Red Sox.

Check this swing out in slowmo. You can see why Ian Kinsler has 20 homers this year, and is on pace to hit at least 30 for the third time in his career. Homeboy wasn’t letting up in the spirit of friendly competition.