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Two Dads Got In A Bloody Brawl After An Argument At A Kids' Soccer Match

Classic headbutter’s regret moment here:

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And overall that beating couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. I don’t have kids yet so I can’t fully relate to the struggle of a dad beefing with another dad over your kids’ soccer match. But I have to assume it’s like the worst of people rooting for their favorite teams with the added investment of them not only wanting the best for their kids but in a lot of way reliving their own past athletic accomplishments through them. In that respect, I get how these situations happen all the time at kids’ games, it’s a special mixture of factors that turn any children’s sporting event into a powder keg.

But if you’re the dad who escalates the situation from asshole yelling to an actual fight (especially with the pussy move of having higher ground), you probably deserve a beating like Headbutt Dad got here. He thought he was going to immediately end the situation with that smash of his head only to quickly find out that a headbutt isn’t effective unless you’re willing to go hard enough to crack own skull in the process. And he clearly had no backup plan either once the fists were coming down, the embodiment of Mike Tyson’s classic “Everyone has a plan until they get hit” quote. If you make the choice to be That Dad starting shit at a game and making it uncomfortable for everyone, including your kids, that’s what you get: A bloodied face, a concussed brain, and being immortalized as a man who starts fights and can’t finish them. SHAME.

(can’t throw that one in without a little taste of Bat Dad)