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The Spider Drawing From Yesterday Was Sold For 10 Grand on Ebay

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(This 7 legged spider sold for 10K on Ebay)

EBAYThis fine piece of 7-legged spider by artist David Thorne is now for sale. It was originally used in a payment attempt for a bill, but was sadly refused. You can see the bill conversation here: David Thorne was later on kind enough to give the spider to me. You can see a screenshot of the evidence here:

Image Page – Click to see more photos

However, this spider is driving me nuts. Also he’s lacking a leg and thus is useless to me. I now offer you to buy this fine piece of spider for the original price set my the artist David Thorne himself. At $233.95 this should be considered a bargain for the original drawing in this Internet meme! Buy this spider and you will receive the original spider mail attachment as sent by author David Thorne.

I will donate some of the money for American Breast Cancer Foundation.

So that spider we posted yesterday got 10 grand on Ebay? Umm, what fucking planet am I on? Do you know how many shirts that I have to sell to make that much? How many jokes I need to crack? A fucking ton! Seriously I’m in the wrong fucking business. I’m sitting here like an idiot trying to grind out an honest living in the smut trade when I should be drawing shit and selling it on Ebay. Or at the very least putting cupcakes on t-shirts and selling them to idiots for 200 bucks a pop.

Just for the hell of it I decided to a draw the only thing I know how to draw. I’m obviously talking about my patented pirate dog. I’ve been perfecting this thing since elementary school. I learned it at my grandparent’s house in Florida when I was a kid and just stuck with it. It’s kind of like the Green Bay Packers power sweep. Make somebody stop it before you switch. Anyway if anybody is interested in purchasing the below piece of artwork drop me a line at Price negotiable.


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Dave draws Pirate Dog during Occupy Boston.

-El Pres, 2008