Jonah Hill Had To Be Hospitalized For Snorting Too Much Fake Cocaine During Wolf of Wall Street


UproxxYou might never expect Jonah Hill to be one of those actors that ended up in the hospital because of his commitment to a role, but that’s kinda what happened to him while filming The Wolf of Wall Street. It turns out snorting too much fake cocaine can be hazardous to your health.

“I did so much fake cocaine in Wolf of Wall Street that I got bronchitis for three weeks and had to be hospitalized,” he revealed to Bill Simmons on Any Given Wednesday. “It’s vitamin powder … if you ingest any matter, that much matter into your lungs, you will get very sick. And we were just literally doing fake coke for like seven months, every day.”

“I never had more vitamin D in my entire life,” he finished with a laugh. “I could have lifted a car over my f*ckin’ head!”

Welcome to the Golden Age of acting. It’s not just a bunch of pretty boys looking to slide into some easy roles and cash a few multi million dollar paychecks – you’ve got guys sinking their teeth into heavy, demanding roles, sacrificing their bodies and minds and health for their craft, to bring as much realism as possible to the screen. Heath Ledger (RIP) literally giving his life after diving into the darkness of the Joker. Leo eating raw buffalo meat and getting hypothermia and getting raped by a bear* to finally win his Oscar. Jonah Hill blowing line after line after line of the finest Vitamin D powder on the market, giving himself bronchitis and being hospitalized for 3 weeks. Enjoy it folks, you’re witnessing an acting renaissance. Method acting, so hot right now.

But, to be fair, let’s not all go sucking Jonah Hill’s method-acting dick just quite yet. Not when he was railing lines of Vitamin D. If you were really dedicated to your craft you’d have the real thing out there – all I’m saying is Daniel Day-Lewis would have been face deep in mountains of the purest Colombian nose candy to ever cross the border. You tell that guy he’s Jordan Belfort’s assistant, he’ll OD by lunch on the first day of shooting.

*Yeah I know this was instantly proven to be a fake rumor but I’m pretty sure like 50% of the population believes it’s true, and frankly I like living in a world where Leo was raped by a bear to win an Oscar.