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Can We Talk About How Haley Joel Osment Has A Hot Younger Sister With Gigantic Cans?

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So it’s entirely possible I’ve missed out on this given that Emily Osment is 24 and has presumably been an attractive adult for years (who’s also been in the spotlight on Disney Channel shows like Hannah Montana). But did everyone know that Haley Joel Osment:

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American Film Institute's 44th Life Achievement Award Gala Tribute to John Williams - Red Carpet

…formerly of Sixth Sense fame but now still getting some quality work in stuff like Always Sunny, the Entourage movie, and Comedy Bang Bang in recent years…did everyone know his sister is this hot chick dropping bombs to 1.5 million people on Instagram? Because I had zero clue and for some reason I was very surprised by that when I saw it from DrunkenStepfather on Twitter earlier today. Haley Joel Osment is not a dude who I’d imagine that A) I would learn new facts about at this point in my life and B) He would have a sexy sister with such substantial and prominent titties who’s also been in the limelight for so long without me knowing. And I feel like I’ve heard the name Emily Osment before but never put it together in my head that they’re related. It somehow didn’t occur to me that it was a possibility even though we live in a universe endlessly full of them. Today I learned. Today. I. Learned.


Anyway I know what we clicked for, here’s more pics:


2016 Big Slick Celebrity Weekend

Oh that wasn’t the one you wanted more pics of? To each their own I suppose:

4th Annual Crab Cake LA Fundraiser Event Presented By Cadillac And Agavero To Benefit Chrysalis


2016 Winter TCA Tour - Disney/ABC - Arrivals

Cosmopolitan Magazine's 50th Birthday Celebration - Arrivals
