
'Bama Fan Asks Cam About His Pay-For-Play

I love Cam, I think he’s the MVP of the NFL at this point, but come on now. This is the Iron Bowl. Everything is fair game when it’s a blood rivalry on the line. Only problem I have is that the ‘Bama fan didn’t also ask him how many yards he threw the laptop he stole at Florida out of the dorm window.

Go big or go home, #RollTide

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Police report still makes me laugh.

According to the University Police Department, Newton stole the laptop worth $1,700 and threw it out his dormitory window Friday when officers arrived to investigate the theft.

A student reported the computer stolen Oct. 16, according to the police report, and an investigation linked the laptop to Newton five days later when he allegedly used the machine to access the school’s network. The school identified the user name as “cnewton,” police said.