An Angry Dad Put Up A Very Aggressive Sign When His 16-Year-Old Daughter Got Banged By A 21-Year-Old Neighbor

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WREG – An Arkansas dad is using a handmade sign on his rural St. Francis County property to defend and protect his 16-year-old daughter.

Shelton Kitchens said he learned recently that his daughter was in a sexual relationship with a 21-year-old man.

“I find my daughter like she’s almost eaten alive. It’s sickening when you raise her shirt and look at it. Hickeys all over,” he said. “She got lured in by puppies.”

So Kitchens called the St Francis County Sheriff’s Office. He met with a deputy but they said they couldn’t file criminal charges.

“He called Crimes Against Children in Little Rock. They said they can’t do nothing about it because she’s 16 years old,” he said.

In fact, 16 is the age of consent in Arkansas. There was nothing law enforcement officers could do.

Lot to process here — I get he’s a concerned dad and #Arkansas but lifting up her shirt to check for hickeys? Weird move man — and it’s tough not to empathize a little with the dad. Dating someone five years younger isn’t weird but when it’s a 21-year-old and a 16-year-old, there’s such a big difference between the two. I’m going to assume college may not be involved for these love birds but in theory a 21-year-old has graduated high school, seen some things in the world, gotten drunk and escaped some bad situations. When you’re 16 (and especially a 16-year-old girl) you think you know everything but those five years of extra life experience are a big difference. Maybe you don’t get so easily lured in by puppies with that knowledge, ya know? So it’s not a great situation. I get that. But this dude who saw the sign is right:

But not everyone who drives by is sympathetic.

“The only thing he can really do is be mad at his daughter. He cant be mad at that guy,” Matt Malone said.

The dad really can’t be mad at the guy and he definitely can’t go around calling him a child molester given that it’s as legal as can be in Arkansas. You want to say he’s a man of low character or that you’d prefer he not use his puppies or windowless vans to lure in your easily influenced high school sophomore child? That’s fair. But the girl is going to fuck regardless. She’s 16, her friends are having sex (or again, #Arkansas, maybe even pregnant), it doesn’t matter if it was this older dude or some 17-year-old at her school pumping futilely at her in the back of his truck, she was going to be fucking. The fact that you raised a girl who goes down the block to get her body gobbled up by some dude in a house smelling of puppy piss pads reflects solely upon her and the job you did raising her. You can’t always child molester sign the real issues away.