A Random Drunk Kid Went To Sleep In Some Guy's Bed So The Guy Made A Video Trying To Get Him Out


HelloU – [T]he drunk guy is pretty adamant. This is his bed. He ‘pays taxes’ for this bed.

Eventually, the actual owner of the bed manages to convince the drunk guy that he’s in the wrong house. As it turns out, he used to live there, and in his drunken stupor, he had just got a little bit confused…


I get that this is a funny situation and the guy filming it wasn’t ever in any danger at all but how the hell can you be so tolerant about some weird guy drunkenly asleep in your bed? Am I just defective inside? (don’t answer that). I went away and had a dogsitter stay in my house for the first time with my pooches to see if maybe they’d like it more than regular boarding (related and unsponsored: Rover is a great service, they even send you a little video of the dogs afterwards) and even then in that perfectly normal situation with her bringing her own sheets, I was like “Yeah that’s still a little weird, I drool and ejaculate there.” It just sort of feels violating to me, a breach of my safe place. All this guy did was incredulously raise his voice a few times and laugh a lot. Maybe he’s just some super chill stoner guy based on the aforementioned laugh but I don’t know, I still feel like I’d end up having a sloppy sleepy/drunk fight with this kid after 30 seconds of the playful interrogation.


Either way, sucks this kid’s bed taxes don’t get him anywhere these days. Life in Obama’s America.