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Hey Kid, Wanna See A Dead Body?

Screen Shot 2019-03-05 at 11.43.08 AM

Now you’re in NEWWWWW YORRRRRK, concrete jungle where they just throw a bedsheet over the dead bodies and don’t even shut down the subwayyyyy, there’s nothing you cantttt dooooo! Got sent this picture today from someone commuting through Penn Station. Fuckin dead guy just straight up sitting there. Classic Penn Station.  Classic! Just put up a little bit of tape and keep it movin. Cant shut down 34th street in the middle of the morning rush hour or you’re gonna have a whole slew of dead people on your hands to deal with. Just walk around the dead bodies when transferring trains, folks. Nothin to see here.

Dead people and indifference…thats what New York City DOES!

PS – if you’re offended by this grow up and get the fuck off the internet. This is some true Internet 1.0 shit. There’s dead homeless people all over the place in this town. If this upsets you, you’re probably from the Midwest or you write for Deadspin.