Dave Chappelle Went On Letterman Last Night And Said He Never Quit His Show He's Just 7 Years Late To Work
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Talking About His Show
It’s like getting divorced in the ’50s. People didn’t go to divorce court. They just look at their wife and were like, ‘I’m going to go get a pack of cigarettes. I’ll be right back.’ They just leave with the clothes on their back and make a go of it.
The enigma that is Dave Chappelle continues to roll on. He didn’t quit he just went out for a pack of smokes and never came back. And when he says going out for a pack of smokes he means he moved to Ohio, became a farmer, married an Asian chick, smoked a shit load of weed, started lifting a shit ton of weights, and turned down millions upon millions of dollars. Everyone recognizes the athletes or the writers or comedians that hold on too long and become a shell of their former self. Pretty rare for a guy to literally walk out of the game at the absolute apex. Fascinating guy through and through.