
Omar Little Just Put Donald Sterling On Notice


Oh shit!  Things just got real in Brooklyn for Donald Sterling.  It’s one thing for guys like LeBron, Magic and MJ to say there isn’t room in the league for Sterling.  That sends an important message to the NBA and its fans.  But it sends a whole different message when Omar Little comes out against you.  That’s a death sentence.  That basically means the end of the line for you.  Just ask any number of Baltimore drug dealers and king pins how that worked out for them.  Omar don’t scare.

PS- That hat is outrageous.  Outrageous and awesome.

Double PS- Snoop is in the house too.  It’s like a Wire reunion in Brooklyn.  Where’s Partlow?  I’d be scared as shit if I were Donald Sterling right now.  How my hair look Deron?



h/t to austin for the pic