The Supreme Court Ruled That The Federal Ban On Sports Betting Is Unconstitutional And Will Soon Be Legal In New Jersey As Well As A Bunch Of Other States
(Source)- New Jersey won a landmark ruling from the Supreme Court Monday that could lead many states to legalize betting on college and professional sports. The justices ruled 7-2 that a 25-year-old federal law that has effectively prohibited sports betting outside Nevada by forcing states to keep prohibitions on the books is unconstitutional. The ruling could set the stage for other states to expand legalized gambling as a source of government revenue.
What a day, what a day, what a glooooorious day. America finally stopped acting like a little bitch and joined the rest of the world by embracing sports gambling. It’s Christmas, the last day of school and the first day of summer for degenerates across America. Well at least the ones that live within driving distance to New Jersey for now. No more need for bookies or flights to Vegas to place your bets. Now you can put a couple of bucks on the local team while you are out getting your milk and bread. If I can continue my hot streak from DP41, maybe my kids will be able to afford college after all!
God bless America!
Even though New Jersey is mentioned, this is clearly the ruling that will open the floodgates and make sports gambling a common occurrence. Everyone saw the writing on the wall when professional teams started moving to Vegas and now the wall has been kicked down. The Chernin Group clearly knew this day was coming for a while now.
Did the Big Swinging Dick do it again or did the Big Swinging Dick do it again? I have actually been using the Action Network app as my sports app because it’s just faster and easier than anything else out there. But now that I will be able to bet locally, I can actually use it as a gambling app.
While I am here, I would also just like to thank Mr. Peter Chernin for buying a good chunk of Barstool before this ruling came down. As someone that was an employee before the purchase, the thought of Pres and Big Cat being able to bet whenever their heart desired would have thrown me into a full blown panic attack like the Mets probably had whenever Doc and Darryl went out to a night club during the 80s.
I guess I feel kinda bad for bookies that made money off of degenerates that didn’t know any better. I also hate that this will be chalked up as a win for Chris Christie and everyone that loves repping New Jersey will throw this in your face whenever you tell them Jersey STINKS. But being able to legally bet a 4-team NFL parlay that will be dead to rights by 1:15 PM on Sunday just seems right. Now who wants to go to the saddest place on the planet (Atlantic City) and hammer some NFL futures with me while 85 year olds huffing oxygen tanks and Marlboro Lights pump coins into the slots?