Your Call Football: Pardon My Take (1-0) vs Gametime (0-1) At 8:30 PM
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Last week got ugly fast for Gametime. I thought adding Tex to the mix with Smitty would form some type of super fused football savant, but oh how I very wrong I was. Then I thought adding NFL Draft Czar/Bucs fan/EYAK producer Steven Cheah for this week would be the answer, but PMT poached him in the dark of night. Not great.
If Gametime is gonna move up the standings and have a shot at this halftime/end of game money, we gotta get our goddamn shit together. STOP picking triple-options, ATTEMPT to choose what a real coach would, and TRY to not be the absolute worst at all times. Back in Texas, we call that a full-time job boy, aw yea.
Download the Your Call Football app to play against us and talk shit in the chat, we’ll be broadcasting on the homepage and YCF app from 8:20 on… Pretty easy opportunity to win some straight cash homie just for dickin’ around with some football guys.
PS: That was NOT locker room talk.
Check out more on the Your Call Football website here
How do fans win prizes?
-Fans can qualify to win cash in two ways-
-Based on their score (the results of their play-calling)
-Based on their coins (which you get upon registering and earn by winning head-to-head challenges and leagues and answering Trivia questions correctly).
The Game Leaderboard will show fans’ scores at all times
At halftime we will give away $1,000, $500, $250 for the top 3 (note: pending verification of age, etc.)
At the end of each game:
1st place wins $5,000
2nd place wins $2,500
3rd place wins $,1000
Next 25 scores get $100
Ties: In case of a tie in any prize category, the prizes will be totaled and divided by the number of ties.
But even if you’re struggling on the Leaderboard, YOU CAN STILL WIN CASH!
At the end of each game, the fans with the most coins win:
First Prize: $500
Second Prize: $400
Third Prize: $300
Fourth Prize: $200
Fifth Prize: $100
Download Your Call Football HERE