8 Year Old Kid Writes The Best Letter From Camp Of All Time
Hey kid, did we just become best friends? YES!
Seriously though, I don’t know what this says about me but I was nodding the whole time I read this letter. Like yup, I’ve had diarrhea and pooped my pants, yup would love to break the push pop record, yup a horse taking a dump with smoke coming out of it’s ass is laugh out loud funny and most definitely awesome, yup I did know you can light farts on fire and I do think that’s really fucking cool. So I’m not sure where exactly that leaves me. I think I just became best friends with an 8 year old and I’m totally cool with that. Because make no mistake, everything this kid listed in this letter sounds more fun than the real world. Just hope we can get rifles soon and that we learn that alphabet burp before it goes out of style.
Telling his brothers to have a lot of farts for him on Saturday was too good. Gas up boys, we’re going to do some serious laughing!
Also, fake or not (it’s not if you click the link and actually see the lady that posted it) this letter is funny, just enjoy it.