An Entire Arena Chanting A Gamer's Name For Making A Bunch Of Kills In A Video Game Is Bananaland
Fucking 2018 man.
They used to stand on their feet and scream the names of gladiators on the gridiron, of world class athletes drilling 28 foot 3 pointers with a flick of the wrist, of larger than life men throwing 101 mph gas from the mound.
Now it’s Nifty The Gamer Dude.
To be clear, this is in no way shape or form a negative. I fucking love it. I love nerds. I’ve been saying for years – nerds are the new jocks. Nerds grow up to become the 1% sailing up and down the coast on their yacht with a helicopter on the roof while 99.5% of jocks pump the gas into it.
Gamers packing arenas to watch other gamers game is the new era of rock stardom and we are all witness.
Welcome to the revolution.