The Bruins Just Put Out The Best Postseason Commercial I've Ever Seen By Doing Felger Dirty
As everyone knows, the hottest team in Boston clinched their spot in the postseason so you can go ahead clear your schedule until mid-June, because this is gonna be a long Cup run. Bruce Cassidy and the Sundance Kids are coming for Lord Stanley’s ass and that’s not debatable.
But this video right here? This is beautiful. I’m all in on the “Old Takes Exposed” craze, for too long talking heads have said whatever they want and whenever they were wrong it was forgotten and when they were right they never shut up about it. Now, they’re being held responsible thanks to the internet never letting anything die. I love teams jumping on it now too. Is it a little petty? Sure, you could argue that. But fuck off, I love pettiness. You don’t get to declare a team dead and say they’re too young and don’t know what they’re doing and are not going anywhere then go about your day when they become the third team in the NHL to clinch.
Listen to no one. (except me when I say the Bruins are winning the Stanley Cup)
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