
High School Basketball Coach Shows Leadership By Defending Inbounder

I can’t get enough of this video. I’ve watched it at least 100 times and it’s perfect every time. The coach staring directly at the guy inbounding the ball and then breaking out into defense. I mean you can only get your kids to play defense if you’re willing to lead by example. The coach has some impressive wingspan too, getting his arms up, probably screaming ‘ball, ball, ball.’ I mean the dude actually guarding the inbounder doesn’t start jumping until the coach does.

Then there’s the guy inbounding the ball. This point has me cackling:


Just the ultimate ‘what the hell is going on here?’ look. My one question is, what the hell is the ref doing? He’s staring directly at this and is just counting to five.

Makes me wonder why college coaches won’t do this now during the NCAA Tournament? If I’m placing money, I’d have Buzz Williams and Bruce Pearl as two favorites to defend an inbounder. All in all just a perfect high school basketball video.