Portland Trailblazers Find Snake In Their Locker Room Before Game 2 Against The Spurs Last Night
Love it. Just a little playoff gamesmanship. And don’t tell me that snake wasn’t planted their by Pop, you know it was and I know it was. An old savvy move by an old savvy coach. That’s why road games are road games. You go to Wrigley and you’ll deal with rats and your shower not working. Iowa has those pink locker rooms to make you calm. Cameron Indoor you have a million nerdy squid hands in your face. Any edge is a good edge and the Spurs know they’re not winning games on youth, so it’s time to think smart. Snake in your face. Have fun shooting free throws with the thoughts of a snake crawling into your bag. No seriously, if I see a spider in my house I get rattled for weeks, can’t even imagine what a snake would do.
The fact that there is no video of this is one of the most disappointing moments of all time. Black people and snakes, comedy gold.