
The Dumbest Sentence In The English Language Is "Nobody Wants To Win More Than Dan Snyder" (There Are 1,050 Things He Cares More About)

I’ve been stewing on this all day. Smoke coming out of my ears. Kirk Cousins took the ultra-high road today when talking about his lack of signing a long-term deal, and I was fine with everything he said, except for one. When he said about Dan Snyder “nobody wants to win more than him”, that’s where I lose my mind. Kirk isn’t the first person to say that, and he won’t be the last. But don’t shit on my face and tell me it’s titties. It’s simply just not true.

Dan Snyder cares about 1) himself, 2) his ego, 3) making money, 4) peacocking his midget dick around waving it in people’s faces, 5) sucking up to people that are cooler than him so hopefully someone likes him, 6) giving his friend’s children positions in the organization they don’t deserve, 7) suing old ladies, 8) paying his employees way too little, 9) paying players he likes way too much, 10) charging 50 dollars to park 3 miles away, 11) charging 50 dollars to leave tickets at Will Call, 12) cease and desisting our “Fire Dan Snyder” shirt, 13) paying people to pretend to be native americans, 14) forcing them to stand in the pouring rain so he can be like “see, I’m not racist!”, 15) buying a radio station so he can attempt to control the narrative, 16) buying the biggest Redskins fan page so he can attempt to control the narrative, 17) suing a newspaper reporter so he can attempt to control the narrative, 18) creating a “fan-run” Twitter account so he can attempt to control the narrative, 19) hiring a BINGO caller to call plays 20) wearing stupid shoes and socks, 21) demanding to draft Malcolm Kelly, 22) finally hiring a GM and then firing him because he tried too hard to do his job, 23) keeping Vinny Cerrato employed, 24) replacing Vinny with the devil himself Bruce Allen, 25-1,050) other things I can’t think of off the top of my head, 1,051) winning.

By my estimation, Dan Snyder cares about 1,050 things more than he cares about winning. If you’re a team owner and you have Bruce Allen calling the shots instead of an actual GM with football knowledge, you simply do not care about winning. It’s that cut and dry. Just because Dan Snyder did some asshole idiotic dance in the owner’s box after a win means nothing. He’s dragged the Redskins dead corpse behind his car since 1999. The Redskins are finally good because we finally have a QB worth a shit, and he’s found a way to fuck it up. Daniel Snyder is an asshole, and probably the anti-christ. He does not care about winning, and I refuse to give him a penny of my blogger money until 1,050 things change. Including somehow going back and not drafting Malcolm Kelly.