Apparently People Are Still Upset Floyd Mayweather Called Connor McGregor The F Bomb; Here's My Take
Source – Floyd Mayweather called Conor McGregor a “pussy,” “bitch,” “punk,” “faggot” and “ho” as another of their staged news conferences was held in London to promote their upcoming fight.
Here is the video:
The string of slurs is totally disgusting but sadly predictable as these two hype their Aug. 26 fight. It doesn’t excuse it one bit, but no one should be surprised. McGregor contended the other day he is not a racist because he is “half-black, from the waist down.”
What makes Mayweather’s dropping of the f-word and other slurs a bit puzzling is that he is the same man who condemned Manny Pacquiao for his disgusting comments about gay people. And Mayweather also applauded President Obama in 2012 when he supported same-sex marriage.
Listen, we all know it’s not nice to call someone a faggot. It’s a terrible, demeaning word that hurts a lot of people. Not to mention it puts closeted kids in a self-destructive mental pretzel. That being said, we’ve all done it, myself included. I’m not making an excuse, I’m just stating facts. It’s also a fact that most of us work that word out of our vocabulary in high school. Which makes sense; educated people don’t say uneducated things. We just have to remember, Floyd isn’t educated. He can’t even read. Which is why it’s ridiculous to make a huge stink out of him using the word. I’d bet my life he wasn’t thinking, “this might hurt gay peoples’ feelings” when he called McGregor a fag. He was just using fightin’ words and gay or straight, fag is a fightin’ word.
If it sounds like I’m condoning his behavior, I’m not. I just genuinely don’t give a shit. It’s a word. That’s. It. I’m not the PC police, people can say whatever they want to say and the world will judge accordingly. We all know who Floyd is, we all know what he stands for. If it took him calling McGregor a faggot to make you realize he’s a dumb-ass then you’re a dumb-ass. Advocacy groups can get upset but it’s a waste of time because at the end of the day Floyd’s not going to change. So yes, it’s good to use him as an example of what not to do but it’s time move on. There are bigger fish to fry.
-Gay Pat