A Kid Got An Angry Letter Sent Home From School For Creating A Character Named Wildo The Dildo
Is this what school systems are like these days? Crushing creativity and storytelling because of a word that is PG-13 at best these days? Sad! This kid should be getting praised instead of lectured by the powers that be. I don’t know the backstory of Wildo The Dildo or what Wildo The Dildo looks like. But I can tell you blindly that Wildo The Dildo is a foundation character that you can build an entire franchise around. Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny ain’t got shit on Wildo The Dildo. And don’t tell me the kid didn’t know what he was talking about. This is 2017, not 1917. Elementary school kids probably know crazy shit that I didn’t even know in high school (to be honest, college too). Let this kid write and let his imagination run wild. Smut blogs seem to be thriving these days and this kid is clearly already more qualified to write for Barstool than I am. Which is why this dad should use this letter as toilet paper and never give it a second thought.
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