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Somebody (Maybe Paul Ryan) Drops A "Waste Of My Fucking Time" After A Press Conference

A good ol’ fashioned whodunnit! It’s impossible to tell. The funniest scenario would be if it were Paul Ryan. The dude begrudgingly likes Trump but is now tied to him forever and ever and will always be a part of Ryan’s legacy. That’s a tough road and definitely a situation where I could see him dropping a “waste of my fucking time” after a press conference. Not to mention it sounds like he found out about the immigration ban at the same time as everybody else. Like as it was happening. So Paul Ryan being pissed at Trump for being forced to take those bullets is prime “waste of my fucking time” territory. It’s less fun if it’s just somebody at CNN with a hot mic. We may never know. I’d also like to add that swearing on TV should just be a thing now. Dropping f bombs should just be allowed (shout out to Kevin Clancy on the Barstool Rundown last night on Comedy Central at midnight EST). It’s 2017. We’re all adults here. So what if little kids start swearing? They’re gonna become swearers eventually. It’s like if everybody has herpes then nobody has herpes. If everybody swears then nobody swears. Ya feel me?