
The Picture Of Paul Ryan And Politicians Laughing EXACTLY Like Dr. Evil's Crew Is The Funniest Picture I've Seen All Week

I don’t care what your political allegiances are, a picture of elected officials laughing like not only movie villains but an over-the-top parody of evil and corrupt movie villains laughing is hilarious. Actually I’m not even sure if those are all politicians or Republicans or what. I should probably ask the closest BNN anchor what the deal is. But this picture would be just as funny if it was Hillary and her group of soulless democratic henchmen whooping it up. I’m on record as saying that I think all politicians are crooks. There’s a reason everyone in the country is always unhappy with Washington sooner or later. Because power and money changes everyone. But if Washington is gonna keep giving it to the country right up the ass for our time on Earth, the least they can do is pose for a couple of these pictures like this every so often so we can laugh as we are getting fucked in the proverbial ass.

And for the record, the original Austin Powers was a goddamn masterpiece and should be discussed more even though the fact it is older than many of our interns makes me want to put a bullet in my brain.