
Safe Holiday Travels Everyone Here's A Cargo Plane Crashing In Colombia!

(1:04 mark below shows aftermath of crash)


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Hey gang. I know we’re all gonna be doing some holiday traveling and flying here soon so just wanted to throw up a nice blog reminding everyone that planes crash and kill people. It’s unlikely and you’re more likely to die every time you get in your car and blah blah blah but hey guess what, if any little thing — the tiniest thing — goes wrong, you’re fucked. Everyone’s fucked. Dead as fuck in a huge fireball explosion. Debris everywhere.

Again, just a friendly reminder. Make sure you grip those armrests a little tighter at takeoff. Freak out a little harder when you hear the landing gear drop. Pray a little louder when turbulence makes the college kid next to you start crying. It’s holiday season and we’ll all be flying all over the place and planes crash and kill people.

Merry Christmas!

PS — It’s going to be so good for Portnoy and content when I die in a plane crash and the whole world pulls up all my plane crash blogs. Honestly think intensely about that every time I fly — it sucks.