
This Dumb Lady Is Rattled Because She Voted For Trump Then He Appointed A Guy That Took Her Home


APWhen Donald Trump named his Treasury secretary, Teena Colebrook felt her heart sink.

She had voted for the president-elect on the belief that he would knock the moneyed elites from their perch in Washington, D.C. And she knew Trump’s pick for Treasury — Steven Mnuchin — all too well.

OneWest, a bank formerly owned by a group of investors headed by Mnuchin, had foreclosed on her Los Angeles-area home in the aftermath of the Great Recession, stripping her of the two units she rented as a primary source of income.

Look I don’t like to come in here and call old ladies dumb. That doesn’t feel good. That’s not what I enjoy. But my job is to call it how I see it and to point and laugh at people if I think they’re dumb. I’m pointing and laughing at this lady for this reason:

“I just wish that I had not voted,” said Colebrook, 59. “I have no faith in our government anymore at all. They all promise you the world at the end of a stick and take it away once they get in.”

You can like Donald Trump for a lot of reasons and some of them I get. I really do. But if you voted for Trump because you thought he was going to deliver precisely what he promised in the campaign then you. are. a. fucking. idiot. You’re a dumbass. You deserve to be pointed and laughed at. You deserve to be crying over your home being taken away. You deserve to be stunned and devastated and feel betrayed when he does what every rational-thinking human on earth knew he was going to do.

This dude was saying whatever the hell he needed to say to get elected AND EVERYONE KNEW IT. Just because he was a businessman and not a politician you thought he’d stick to every promise? Politicians don’t possess the stereotypical politician characteristics because they were just born with it and can’t shake it. They possess those characteristics because…. they became fucking politicians. That’s how it works. You become a politician and start doing politician things.

Trump isn’t a private citizen business tycoon anymore. He’s a full-fledged, rhetoric-wielding, voter-pandering politician. And a successful one. This one’s on you Tina Colebrook.