In The Smartest Move Ever, 3 Guys Decide To Go Around Motorboating Girls To Raise Money For Breast Cancer Research
First of all, let’s get one thing out of the way. This works because these guys are square city.
Totally non threatening, take you home to your mother, “nice” guys. Guys like that can walk around asking chicks if they can be motor-boated. If I did this I’d be in jail in a split second.
Now, with that said, fucking brilliant. Walking around putting your face into titties under the guise of charity? Not since Costanza’s human fund have I seen a charity give back as well. And a lot of these chicks were actually kind of hot.
Nice smile
Awesome Body
Smoking hot
Hot in that mean “ill kick your ass while I’m fucking you” type of way.
So all in all good work guys. Chances you literally just saw Wedding Crashers and learned what a motorboat is? 100%. Doesn’t matter though, you raised money for charity and put your face in a bunch of attractive to fairly attractive tits, that’s a win in my book.
No bra lady was a fucking suicide mission.