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Do You Think Tebow Is Still A Virgin? Or At Least Pretends To Be One?




So I guess Tim Tebow is now just relaxing in Hawaii, finally realizing he’s probably got no shot at being an NFL quarterback. And when I saw these pictures my first thought was, oh that chick doing his back is kind of hot, looks like Tebow is finally no longer pretending to be a Virgin. Well it turns out that’s his sister. Fucking weird dude. Letting your sister work your back like that.


Anyway, the question is this. Do you think Tebow is still a virgin? I mean when he was in the NFL it was one thing. NFL quarterbacks are probably spending way more time than we realize working. Practice, film, meetings, working out. I doubt they have tons of free time during the season, at least the “first guy in last guy” player like Tebow probably doesn’t. So I can get not fucking when you’re busy but what is Tebow now? He’s just a retired rich person in his mid 20’s. If that was me I would be living in Fuck City. All I would be doing is chasing tail. You have nothing else to do. You maybe go to the gym, church on Sundays and fuck every second in between. So what gives. Is Tebow still doing this whole virgin thing? Because if he is I think I hate him more than anyone else in sports. Definition of talent wasted.




I’m comfortable enough in my own skin to admit that Tebow looks hot as fuck in these pictures.