
Lou Pearlman Died


Huge news over the weekend. And by huge news I mean not very big news, but still kinda big. Lou Pearlman died. The undisputed king of boy bands. He invented Backstreet Boys, N’Nync, OTown among others. He was also serving 25 years in jail for a Ponzi scheme. All things considered maybe the most American dude who ever lived. Right up there in my book with Don King. Just capitalizing on capitalism like you read about. And you just knew by looking at him that he was a criminal too. In fact to this day I still don’t know how he didn’t get busted for pedophilia instead of fraud. Like the guy had to be into kiddie porn right? There was just no way he was straight and not doing horrific things behind closed doors. Yet somehow it was a Ponzi scheme that brought him down. But whatever the case may be there is no denying he was a legend. The King of Boy Bands period. RIP you ponzi scheming, little boy diddling (probably) freaky motherfucker.