Jimmy Kimmel Did His Snoop Dogg "Howz It Mizzade" With Hot Dogs
First of all, fuck Jimmy Kimmel for doing this. You don’t think we know what’s in a hot dog dude? Lips and assholes. Pig lips and pig assholes. We get it. All of us who love Hot Dogs know what we’re doing when we eat them, doesn’t mean we need to be reminded by a streaming current of pig anus right in front of our face. Some things aren’t meant to be discussed. A woman’s age, how much money a person makes, and what goes into the cancer tube I eat over 100 times a year.
Second, I love Snoop Dogg pretending that this will change anything in his life. No way he even remembers that any of this happened come this morning right? I feel like you could tell Snoop Dogg who shot JFK and he’d be like “oh shit, this changes everything” then wait 5 minutes and he’d say “wait what are we talking about here?”. I’m pretty confident this won’t be another PETA incident.