Watch Out NFL, Russell Wilson Has A New Poster And He Is "Armed And DangeRUSS"
I hate when people say they literally laughed out loud at something but I saw this poster and immediately spit up. Russ Wilson trying to be the toughest guy in the world with this “Armed And DangeRUSS” poster. Put one of the goofiest dudes in the NFL in Army fatigues and face paint and make him out to be a weapons specialist and I will laugh 100 out of 100 times.
50 yard bombs? Yeah, I got a box of those right over over here next to my needle threaders and red zone seekers. Wanted?!? How about in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, just peep these awful photoshops that look like they were ripped off the 1985 hit video game, “Paperboy”. Is that smoke or fog? Whatever, it’s mysterious. The baddest man on planet earth is here to fuck shit up and guess what, he just started having sex too!
Official Poster Reviews
“Cool” -Darren Rovell