
Reporter Caught Red Handed Playing Pokemon Go During A Freaking State Department Briefing

Just the 2016 media doing the damn thing! Way to be the eyes and ears of the people by attempting to slay Jigglypuff instead of informing the masses about what’s going down with our government (and essentially our lives). I mean, it’s our fault in the end. His station sent the veteran reporters to stake out the RNC or cover the drama that is TSwift v. Kimye. This is what happens when a rookie journalist is sent on the boring as whaleshit State Department beat that nobody gives a single fuck about. And he knows it, too. “The signal is not very good.” Why don’t you just piss in the State Dept dude’s face while you’re at it? You’ve already been caught with your pants down.

Obligatory for any Pokemon blog. This will never get old.