What Do People Who Don't Shit With The Door Open Do For Fun?
So I posed this question yesterday. I’m not talking about drinking on the weekend or going to sports events fun. I’m talking everyday things that bring you immense amounts of joy. Things that get you through the day. Because for me, fun is shitting with the door open. It’s everything I want in life. I get to watch TV, I get to be on my phone, I get to shit, I’m still part of the action (action in my apartment is my dog walking to her water bowl), it’s everything. It’s liberating, the ultimate freedom. My place isn’t huge but when I leave the door open I feel like I’m taking a shit in one of those enormous rich people bathrooms. My entire 700 sq ft apartment is a shitter. It’s beyond lavish. And even when I lived in bigger places with multiple roommates I would shit with the door open. It’s how you keep the conversation flowing. Shitting with the door closed is flat out rude.
So my question is this, people who shit with the door closed, what gives? Are you a pussy? Do you have stage fright? Are you afraid of the smell? What is it. If I had it my way (sometimes guests and girlfriends get in the way) I would shit with the door open all day everyday off camera every way.
Vote for 1 I close the door like a baby and 10 for I always shit with the door open.