This Sweet Looking Tinder Girl's Bio Goes From 0 To 100 Faster Than Any You've Ever Seen
I mean on the one hand, good on her for being so up front? It would be much more awkward if you had to find that information out while in the middle of a Chinese restaurant, hip hop show, or a WNBA game. Honesty is always the best policy, generally not when sprinkled with epithets but the overall idea is correct. And despite her dislike of those groups, they still got a heart emoji too so that’s kind of nice, something to build on. Bottom line if you’re a guy swiping on Tinder while wearing a white robe and a pointy mask with eyes cut out, I’d say there’s a lot to work with here. Not so much if you’re a lesbian chick from an old Nelly video.
And once the n bombs are out in the air I guess we’re firing out hot here on the Tinder blog. Give me a follow on Twitter in exchange for the tremendous emotional toll it takes to do these each week and DM me your screenshots (a Snapchat follow is cool too if you want to keep up with my dogs and how I’m going to die from a Quesalupa overdose soon) and without further adieu let’s get into it.
(via CK)
And you can’t even spell his name right SMH (via B)
Just in time for The Challenge back on TV, another girl from there shows up on Bumble (via CP)
You have to respect the hell out of the Alice branding in her bio here as well as the Triforce, Zelda 4 life (via DH)
Your competition for the week has a strong grip but may have chafed his dick on some rocks (via LL)
The hot new game Booty or Malignant Tumor is sweeping the nation (via JC)
If you’re going to make demands like that no matter how hot you are, you have to hit the correct Your/You’re (via VB)
Totally unfounded but I feel like any chick that says “hubby” in 2016 is on some weird sexual deviance shit (via JSH)
7.8. On the dive I mean, not her (via GM)
I like this new move of flaunting your flexibility girls seem to be doing, great sales pitch (via JP)
Could not agree more with the first line of her bio (via JK)
I wonder what the benefits are at that company (via CC)
I wouldn’t put big ass confidence up there with the big titted confidence but I’m not mad at it one bit (via JC)
This one was submitted by a bisexual college girl so I’m going with this being insanely hot even if the profile is fake (via KT)
Another week, another TV chick on Bumble. Keep doing you Bumble (via JR)
And Philadelphia cheerleaders continue to strengthen Bumble’s cheerleader lead too, good for them (via MP)
This week’s contender to immediately ask to be taken down and/or be banned from her local Chinese restaurant (via BG)
What would be the carpet/drapes analogy here when there is no fabric to be found? (via LBS)
Fantastic usage of a missing limb (via DN)
Well as long as you got dat juice I see no problems here (via KMC)
This profile makes me feel even worse about my unironic love of Red Lobster (via JF)
I don’t know if these Drake photoshops are amusing or if I despise them for being so corny, tough call (via DH)
This Anus lady seems really pretty and sweet (via D)
This sounds like a good idea until your dick gets bitten and cheesy gordita juice gets in the wound (via CC)
Talk about a rollercoaster of emotions (via RHQ)
I literally laughed out loud reading this. Seriously what guys see this and go “You know what? Fuck it, let’s get blown by a dude while his wife watches tonight”? (via RO)
Redheads with big tits, you’ve done it again! (via Punch)
This week’s reminder that a trans chick is crushing that Glam Life apparently (via BP)
Sounds like someone needs our new Pizza Is Love shirt BUY BUY BUY (via B)
That doesn’t sound sick, totally healthy for those frat guys (via DM)
RIP Chyna (via Smax)
A chick quoting the movie The Rock and using that quote in particular is a legit keeper (via JC)
I have to imagine Carny pussy would be a hell of an experience (via KR)
You bet your sweet ass I’m dumping one out to some busty Japanese girl porn once I’m done with this blog (via Schick)
Portland Tinder lives up to the expectations (via Pokey)
I want to hate this dude but I’m fully aligned with his stances on dogs and redheads (via CR)
And onto the hot and/or NSFWish ones…
I’m a sucker for a buy two get one free deal (via JM)
The far away butt shot value meal, so hot right now (via JM)
No hookups life in a nutshell (via FB)
Those butts and that high quality photo is just unfair to other women (via MH)
Far away butt shots may lead to women way overestimating both their height and reach (via JR)
That’s a real “Take the lord’s name in vain when you see it” kinda ass (via BM)
Not sure I see the Megan Fox but that is one hell of a dumper (via DH)
Leave it to the Venezuelans to shit all over the efforts of our US far away butt shots (via SOS)
Seriously what a fucking disgusting slob. Great tit strength though (via JK)
And there you have it, another week in the world of dating apps. Make sure to follow me and send me your screenshots on Twitter, thanks to the intrepid souls who sent things in, and happy swiping!