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The Boban Making A Heart With His Hands For Spurs Fans Will Make Any Room Dusty

I have never seen a picture say so much with so little. You can almost hear Boban screaming “HEYYYY YOUUUUU GUYYYYYYS” like Sloth from Goonies with those comically oversized mitts. I mean don’t get me wrong, he is still an oversized, monstrous freakshow. But The Boban also apparently is a gentle soul with a heart of gold. Similar to Lenny from Of Mice And Men, The Boban doesn’t mean to murder NBA players with his bare hands, but he is just a big dumb ox that cannot control his feelings or strength.

The Boban may not be a smart man, but he knows what love is.



Or he could be smart, I don’t know. However, his wife must know what love is because those two form a jigsaw puzzle that does not fit without some serious force behind it.

Obligatory Boban hands pictures:
