Real Men Play Mario Kart 64 For Princess Peach Tattoos - Part 1
I think. I’ve claimed over the years that I’m the best MK64 player in all the land, and have proven it time and time again. Well, sometimes you gotta put your money where your mouth is even more, and sometimes the cash gets replaced with somebody’s nuts. I accepted the challenge from these overly barbaric Massholes (not exaggerating), and I lost. I’m not going be less of a man and blame my shoulder hurting or stack the deck and play blind kids in my competitions to ensure victory. There are no excuses. These gentleman came to play and I choked. Bad. I will however still claim I am one of the greatest MK64 players in the world, and the #1 ranked Battler. Even Ali got knocked down in his prime. I’ll be back on top soon enough. Meanwhile, it’s time to ante up and pay our bets like men.
Part 2 with my left buttcheek being injected with piping hot lead should be out tomorrow. May God have mercy on my mother.