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Kiss Cam In Oklahoma City Last Night Had A Very Awesome Twist Ending

(Oklahoma City)Local bartender Chelbie Craig and her girlfriend, Rachel McCoy, kissed on the OKC Thunder’s Kiss Cam last night, stirring a shocked gasp from the crowd of onlookers. The camera cut to a seemingly heterosexual couple, not expecting Craig and McCoy to be the only couple present in the camera’s shot. The momentary turn toward Craig’s male friend is a huge part of the surprise that set off the stunning response. Surprised attendees jumped from their seats. “It was a mix of shocked and cheering,” Craig told The Gayly. “The crowd was loud and the cheering seemed surprisingly positive.”

Spoiler alert! The 2 smokes make out instead!! Not even M. Night Shymalalalamanan saw that one coming. And neither did this dude:

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Who for sure thought he struck the Kiss Cam jackpot.

And this guy DEFINITELY didnt expect that ending:

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Thats the most action he’s seen since his wife let him have sex with the lights on back in 1998.

Great moment in Kiss Cam history. A+ make out, A+ reactions. A+ all around.

PS – Just like a month ago they posted this on Insta:

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So its either a crazy coincidence they landed on there last night, or it was all set up. These 2 appear to be diehard Thunder fans so I could see the team hooking em up. Either way I aint complainin.