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Breaking News - Chris Broussard Reports That Steph Curry Is The Best Shooter In NBA History

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God damn do I love Chris Broussard. It’s not even a joke either, I love his swagger, I love his moxy. Guy does an ESPN feature power ranking the best players in the NBA and before we even settle in he’s breaking news in your stupid unsuspecting face. Like let me pull up this article at lunch, catch a quick read, BAM! And yeah maybe he wasn’t the first person to say it but he was the first person he heard say it so he basically invented it when you think about it. If you don’t hear it it’s not true, unless it’s said by Brou Brou, then it is. #BrouCrew4Life




Oh and yeah I saw this last night, whatever, playas fuck up. Who doesn’t forget MJ quit basketball at the height of his powers to go play minor league baseball? That was barely a story.


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