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The Secret Service Wasn't Happy With These People Who Carried A 50-Foot Inflatable Joint Past The White House

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Vice- Hundreds of protesters advocating for marijuana legalization in Washington, DC got into a 30-minute standoff with police and members of the Secret Service after they tried to carry a 50-foot inflatable joint near the White House on Saturday. The demonstration called for President Barack Obama to remove marijuana from the list of Schedule I controlled substances, a classification reserved for drugs with no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Although 23 states and Washington, DC now allow some form of medical marijuana, weed remains listed alongside heroin, LSD and other hard drugs in the Schedule I category. The dispute over the massive fake joint began early in the day as the protesters marched near the White House at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 15th Street. Adam Eidinger, the founder of DCMJ, a medical marijuana advocacy group that organized the demonstration, told VICE News that several police officers were “wedged” between protesters and the large joint during negotiations over whether or not they could proceed.


Potenital conversation that took place in the DC area last Friday


“Hey what are you doing this weekend?”


“Oh I’m not really sure. Probably just gonna lay low. I’ve got some errands to run. Not sure if I’ll have enough time to do them all. You?”


“I’m gonna help carry a giant 50-foot long inflatable joint in front of the White House and probably get in a 30-minute stand-off with the Secret Service and police.”


“Cool, cool.”



What a world. I’m so far away from DC that shit like this probably happens all the time there but it still makes me laugh. Just a a bunch of people who love weed casually carrying a GIANT lit joint past the office of the most powerful person on the planet. Good ol’ fashioned fun. I really hope Obama was there and just happened to look out his window as this was happening. “So what I think we should do about ISIS is……..wait a second. Is that a giant marijuana cigarette passing by the White House? Ya’ll cray.*” I would like to know what place specializes in giant inflatable joints. I can’t imagine that’s a thriving business. It’s gotta be the same place that sells wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men.


*Nailed that piece of Barack Obama dialogue