Iman Shumpert Delivers His Baby In The Bathroom At Home
“On Dec 16th at 6:42am in our bathroom Junie decided she wanted to take her first breath into this world. She came out as a wonderful surprise to everyone! Not knowing I was in labor until I felt her head…it took two ten count pushes with my fiancé playing Dr and she entered this world into his bare hands! Eyes full of tears and barely able to speak to the emergency operator @imanshumpert tied a pair of red headphones around the umbilical cord and the ambulance made there grand entrance 5 min later. She opened her eyes right away, gazed into mine and never cried! He handed her to me wrapped in our bath towel and wiped her face for me to see what LOVE really is. She has blown Christmas away! Our family is complete. Her blueprint will be unmatched. Welcome Iman Tayla Shumpert Jr. Mommy carried you. Daddy delivered you. #MeetTheParents we love you baby girl”
Bleacher Report – After taking on the role of doctor, Cleveland Cavaliers guard Iman Shumpert is now a father. According to Shumpert’s fiancee, Teyana Taylor, the couple was caught by surprise when their child unexpectedly made her way into the world Wednesday morning. The two were at home when Taylor went into labor, although she didn’t immediately know it. By the time they realized what was going on, it was time for the delivery. Fortunately, the 25-year-old Shumpert—who did not go to medical school—handled the situation himself.
Over the years I kinda gave Shump a hard time when he was with the Knicks. I always thought he was kind of an overrated defender and I thought he never really fulfilled his potential. I was all for trading him. Always kind of gave him the business when I was blogging.
Well, no more. Nope. Not a bad word. Ever again. After having just gone through this, A) I dont understand how this can even possibly happen and B) I cannot imagine having to deliver a baby myself. Supreme props to Iman Shumpert for the rest of his days. Dont care that hes on another team in the East. Dont care what he does on the court. Shump gets all the credit in the world from me.
Over the past 10 months I got a lot of words of advice from other dads. Clem, my buddies, the men in my family – all of them had their own tips but the one thing that was consistent with ALL of them was “Stay above the wall.” Do not look. Do not go under her gown. Ignorance is bliss. And it was the best advice I’ve ever gotten. When it was officially Go Time I was expecting a lot more of a barrier. Like gowns and aprons and walls separating me from that whole scene. I expected me sitting shotgun while the doctor was under the hood. Well that aint how it goes my friends. Nothing but one hospital gown between me and that kid coming out. All I had to do was turn my head and glance down and I woulda seen everything. But I locked eyes with my wife and made it look like I was gazing deep into her soul as some sort of moral support but really it was just my own way of avoiding the single most unseeable thing this world has to offer.
So I cant even fathom what its like when you’re staring down the barrel of your wife’s vagina and you’re the one responsible for getting that kid out. Never mind how terrifying it has to be to make sure your wife and kid safely make it through the delivery, but just the sheer horror of that process would be enough to put me in a coma. Pulling that kid out is like getting a bowling ball through a key hole. And then you gotta deal with the placenta and all the other stuff that comes out. That is NOT something a layman should have to endure. so a round of applause for Shump. Pulling that kid out and wrapping up that cord with a pair of Beats headphones is truly one of the most impressive things I’ve ever heard.