Does This Look Like The Face Of A Woman? Furthermore, Does This Look Like The Face Of a Woman Teacher Arrested For Having Sex With a Student?
B911 – A Las Vegas high school has now been arrested for having sex with one of her students. Kristy Kay Yegge, aged 38, an instructor at Veterans Tribute Career and Technical Academy was taken into custody at her place of work on Thursday. According to police, Yegge committed a sex act with a student between the age of 16 and 17. Investigators have not disclosed the victim’s gender. Metro confirmed Monday that charges involve a student, aged 16 or 17, at the school.
Meeee-yow! Boom boom all up in her room! Hell yeah that’s the face of a teacher, a woman teacher, arrested for fucking one of her students! Real talk, gun to your head, would you 1) be able to have identified that as a woman, and 2) be able to fuck her if need be. That’s why it’s safe to assume it was some heavy scissoring action with some goth lesbo chick. There’s no way she was fucking a male student. Even the loneliest of high school losers would be like “nah, I’m good yo”. But those lesbian goth chicks, they’ll rub up on anything, even if that thing is a 300 pounds linebacker looking broad with a head so oddly shaped I’m having trouble putting it into words. This might be the first time everyone is a loser in a teacher sex scandal. Kinda ruins lesbians for all of us, ruins the banging the teacher fantasy, ruins everything. Even the cops are like “eh, just like, gross dude. Don’t do that”.