Does This Look Like The Coolest Mom Ever Who Supplied A Middle School Party At Her House With Weed And Beer?
NYDN- Texas police collared a 32-year-old mother who allegedly supplied pot and beer to eight kids during a sleepover in November. Springtown resident Mandy N. Wells, 32, admitted that she’d given the youngsters two beers each and provided them with marijuana to share, according to the Fort Worth Star Telegram. “I found it bizarre that an adult would do that,” Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler told the Fort Worth paper on Tuesday. An affidavit said that Wells “thought for a minute that it was a bad idea but she did it anyway.” The partygoers included two 12-year-olds, two 14-year-olds and four 13-year-olds. Wells allegedly told the youngsters they could drink beer because they were spending the night. Later, she asked if they wanted to smoke weed, which she passed around. Two of the middle schoolers posed for an Instagram pic with a Hello Kitty glass pipe, although Wells later asked them to delete the post. One girl’s mother saw the post anyway and asked her daughter about it afterward.
Fucking Instagram. Ruins everything. Hey pro tip to any middle schooler who gets supplied weed and beer by the coolest Mom ever: Don’t pose for a pic with a Hello Kitty pipe and post it to Instagram. Morons. Whatever happened to doing illegal drugs and drinking underage then playing Mario Party without a social media presence? Those were the days. Now it’s like, if you don’t tweet or Instagram something, did it even really happen? Me and my friends would’ve killed to have a Cool Mom in the group who supplied us with weed and beer. It is a chore and a half to get that stuff when you’re a teenage. Shady dealers selling you overpriced schwag and older siblings of your friends taking FOREVER to get back with the case of Coors Light. These kids? These kids have it easy. They’re Mom bought it all for them. Served it to them on a silver platter complete with a Hello Kitty pipe. And how do they repay her? By getting her arrested and thrown in jail. Ungrateful little bastards.