A Guy Driving A Ferrari Recorded All The Douchey Comments People Gave Him While Riding Around
Normally guys with really fancy cars get the rap for being douchebags and I’m sure we’ve all thought it at some point at life. But this is another thing where I have to say I’ve never even considered the other side and that a guy innocently driving around a Ferrari might be a victim. Like yeah yeah you can’t feel that bad for him, he’s driving a Ferrari, but come on there’s no world in which this isn’t hilariously unnecessary:
Though I do have to say this is 100% the type of guy who’d say something like that:
I’m not sure you need to be empathetic towards Ferrari drivers in the future like I’ve said in other situations but it’s kind of funny to see that there are in fact two sides to every story. Even if it’s the most classic Ferrari guy thing to be like “NO YOU GUYS DON’T UNDERSTAND IT’S HARD BEING THE GUY DRIVING THE FERRARI TOO.” Ferrari Privilege like you read about.
PS Sick Burn City meet your new mayor, Leviathan: