Lexy Panterra Has More Control Over Her Ass Than I Do Over My Hands
I don’t think that title makes sense but I also think it makes the most sense. This chick right here has more control over the moves she makes with her ass than I do with my hands. The two tools that I’ve used every single day of my life for close to three decades. How long do you think Lexy’s been twerking? Maybe 5 years? She already has mastered the entire thing. 50% of my hands are borderline mentally challenged. My left hand is useless. It doesn’t carry it’s weight. It just kind of hangs out and reaps all the benefits of what the other guy does. My right hand does all the work. It’s really not fair. But hey, keep doing you Lexy. Her ass movements almost gave me a brain aneurysm and that’s the product of good twerking.