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Stephen Colbert Tried To Figure Out What Is Art And What Is Porn

This is one of those things that has always baffled me about television censorship. You can say “ass”, but not “asshole”. You can show a statue dong from far away for 2 seconds, but you can’t show the most expensive painting in the world at all because it has nipples. Guess what? I have nipples. You have nipples. We all have nipples. Why can’t we see nipples on TV? And not even real nipples, pastel nipples on canvas.

You can go to Europe and they don’t censor anything on TV. But over here Stone Cold can’t give the middle finger anymore. That was the day the music died. And why do they treat us like god forbid we see a middle finger all hell will break loose? The fact they blur middle fingers might be the most baffling to me. I can rationalize them removing the word “fuck” from movies when on TV. It’s dumb and the word “fuck” won’t put society into a tailspin, but I can understand it, I guess. But a finger? A nipple? Just more weird rules that make little sense. It’s been a good week for that. Next week, hopefully none of this. All of this PC garbage happening all at once, we’re getting it out of the way, and next week we’ll get back to making fun of retards and Florida.